The first 8 players of last year's ladder will be seated by draw for each group.
01. Komodromos 02. Azais 03. Fasouliotis 04. Omerou and 05. Menelaos were at QF last year.
The players below were in round 2. I made a draw for 3 of them
06. Vyrides 07. Sergios 08. Stavros 09. Shammas and 10. Charis Demetriou

I' ll ask the program to put those numbers randomly in a line. The first 2 will be the leaders of group A. Next 2 will be the leders in group B and so on

Group A -> 07. Charis Demetriou and 08. Stavros - Group B -> 02. Azais and 04. Omerou
Group C -> 06. Vyrides and 01. Komodromos - Group D -> 05. Menelaos and 03. Fasouliotis
Now will make a
draw wich group will have 8 players (01-Group A, 02-Group B, 03-Group C, 04-Group
Group C and Group D will have 8 players

Now i will make the final draw. Will generate a random line of all players (exept the leaders of group. First 5 will go to Group A, Next 5 will go to Group B, Next 6 will go to Group C and finally the last 6 will go to Group D.
Shammas (R), 02.Marinos Chatzieftichiou (QP), 03.Magdalena Drakos (R), 04.Alexandros
Charalampides (R), 05.Vassos Eliades, 06.Thomas Otten (R), 07.Kyriacos Nicolaou
(R), 08.Nicos Nicodemou, 09.Christos Demosthenous (R), 10.Sergios Savvides, 11.
Nektarios Fakas, 12. Constantinos Eliades , 13. Marinos Iordanous (QP), 14.
Antros Oustas (R) , 15. Costas Ellinas , 16. Giannos Trillides , 17. Kyriakos
Kyriakides (R) , 18. Panikos Kalos , 19. Christos Nicolaou (R) , 20. Alexander
Alexandryan , 21. Andreas Hadjimichael (QP) , 22. Nikolai Kozlov (R)

Group A -> 07.
Charis Demetriou and 08. Stavros 01.Nicolas
Shammas , 19. Christos Nicolaou, 14. Antros Oustas, 12.
Constantinos Eliades and 17. Kyriakos Kyriakides
Group B -> 02.
Azais, 04. Omerou, 13. Marinos Iordanous, 04.Alexandros Charalampides, 15.
Costas Ellinas , 05.Vassos Eliades and 20. Alexander
Group C -> 06. Vyrides, 01. Komodromos, 07.Kyriacos Nicolaou, 16. Giannos
Trillides, 09.Christos Demosthenous, 07.Nicos Nicodemou, 06.Thomas
Otten and 22. Nikolai Kozlov (R)
Group D -> 05. Menelaos, 03. Fasouliotis, 18. Panikos Kalos, 10.Sergios Savvides, 11.
Nektarios Fakas, 02.Marinos Chatzieftichiou, 21. Andreas Hadjimichael
and 03.Magdalena Drakos